A family member spent the day yesterday with a friend in palative care. The patient had a cheery outlook and encouraged us to live each day to the fullest. I know for me, each day is a gift and each day is an opportunity to create something that can inspire others. I wrote the song “Ride OF Your Life” for the Canadian Cancer Society however, the lyrics are challenge to everyone to take each hill and valley of your journey and realize how they will make you stronger.
If you haven’t heard it lately, click the play button above.
What would you do … if you knew you only had:
30 years
10 years
1 year
1 month
1 week
1 day
1 hour
1 minute … to live?
What do your answers tell you about what you should be doing today?
What are YOU going to do today?
Thanks to my friend Bobb Biehl for his wisdom. Get his newsletter at quickwisdom.com
If you enjoyed the song, consider downloading it from iTunes: